What Girls Lie About -To Their Boyfriends

So JennaMarbles did a video about what girls lie about. Jenna, I see you're lies and raise you what girls lie about to their boyfriends.

1. Of course, babe. You're bigger than him!

2. (When you're angry but he's already gotten over it and says I love you) I love you too *poutface*

3. That outfit looks fine

4. Baby, I don't care what you get me for my birthday 

5. Babe, I don't care what you get me for Christmas 

6. You're my mom's favorite boyfriend 

7.  I don't want any random gifts, that's silly 

8.  You should use this cologne. *Old boyfriend's brand* (Not as much of a lie until he asks why you like it so much - "I just like it") 

9. I don't want anything (to eat - It's a TRAP Imma eat yo food bi*ch) 

10. Nothings Wrong (Translation: I hate your guts right now)

Early Relationship Lies: 

Ladies, I know these lies aren't on purpose because
you're too happy about the new relationship to be picky, 
but these will bite you in the ass later: Don't let these phrases
come out of your silly little mouth. 

1. I don't need any fancy outings, I just want you 

2. I don't need romance, that's cheesy anyway 

3. I don't mind you going out with your friends, have fun! 

4. Yeah, of course we need our own separate lives

5. Whatever retarded lie that's agreeable with his lifestyle

I'd do a video, but I'm too damn lazy - and I'm sure she'll 
make one that's much better. What do you think needs to
be added to the list? Leave a comment below!

Here's Jenna's Video:


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